Thursday, October 12, 2006


while cleaning my room, i've found a number of interesting things, this being among them:

This little rarity is a paul jackson quarter. mr. jackson is a columbia native who constantly seesaws between respected local artist and village idiot. most mizzou attendees from 2000-2004 know him as the crazy man who decided to construct a large tiger mosaic (known as the tiger spot) right in the middle of lowry mall (three guesses as to how well a mosaic fares in nasty mo weather, in a part of campus that regularly floods...). needless to say, there was a large tent over the spot for at least 2 years, heated debate over whether or not damage to the mosaic was done by vandals or weather, and a consistent stream of repairs (still ongoing): a prime example of my mizzou tuition dollars going to waste.

paul jackson is also infamous around here for his protest of the state quarter design. his original design was changed by the engravers, so he made stickers of the original design and put them on thousands of quarters. i think he was investigated by the fbi or something.... anyway, somehow i've gotten a hold of one, and it's an interesting piece of local history.

overall room picture to follow later.


Blogger Matthew said...

That's a really interesting story about the quarter. He must have been really motivated....

2:03 PM  
Blogger Mary Ann said...

Could you post a picture of what the engravers did? I'd like to see it, and I can't remember if I already have.

And why, why can't artists just act a little bit normal? Sheesh.

12:05 PM  
Blogger Vatti said...

This should be a collector's item some day--hang on to it. In case Mary Ann hasn't seen the actual quarter design, it can be found at:

9:08 PM  
Blogger Mary Ann said...

thanks for the link, dad.

The engravers probably had to change it because the text to the right and left of the canoe looks too small for them to have worked with.

Still, I think the artist's design in the superior one. I like it better than the actual coin.

If you see another one can you save it for me?

12:00 PM  

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