Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"mmmmm! i love eggs!"

i've been cooking a lot lately, trying out new recipes. mostly i've forgotten to take pictures of my finished products, but you guys are in luck this time.

i have a bunch of pages tagged in 'the enchanted broccoli forest', and the 'poached eggs on a bed of vegetables' looked easy enough. you basically sauté a bunch of veggies (in my case, about 3 c. spinach, 2 c. broccoli, a bag of pepper/onion mix, and a tomato) with garlic and herbs, add some bread crumbs to make it all stick together, and then you make little indentations in the mix and you crack the eggs right into them and poach them. the end result looks quite pretty:

the recipe states that this is a two-serving dish, and originally calls for only 4 eggs, but the first time i made it i liked the eggs so much that the second time around i added two more. i think it's more of a 3 person dish this way, and the portions are fairly generous.

i've been experimenting with soufflés as well, and will post pictures of those efforts soon.


Blogger joe said...

katy is really into scrambled eggs with spinach. maybe she would like this?

12:58 PM  
Blogger Vatti said...

Reminds me of one of the classic German Mittagsessen--Spinat mit Spiegelei. Although the German way is to cook them separately—I like your way.

7:50 PM  

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