Tuesday, November 22, 2005


at work yesterday, the head doctor called me into his office- i immediately thought 'ut-oh', since he usually doesnt talk to us unless it's to tell us what's been done wrong... but i guess i was quick to judge. he asked me how i liked my job so far, and i told him that i liked it a lot. he went on to say that since two people in our office will be leaving at the end of the year, he wanted me to start learning more things about the office so i could take over for them starting in january. they'll hire a new person to work check-out, plus an additional person to help share whatever responsibilities i'll have. so i'm essentially getting a major promotion, which both excites and saddens me. exciting, because i'll get a pay increase and because it shows that i've been doing good work in the office (and it's being recognized). saddens, because i've gotten to a point where check-out is almost second nature to me, and i'm really comfortable with it. now i'll have to learn a whole new set of ropes. but, as the doctor put it...and i agree... i have a college degree and am capapble of doing much more than receptionist work. i'm really glad that he'd given me this opportunity, but i also get that kind of nervous feeling of questioning whether or not i can handle what's thrown at me. experience tells me that i'll be fine, it just takes time to get adjusted.

so, come january, i'll no longer be a hot medical receptionist...i'll be a hot medical (insert new title here).


Blogger Mary Ann said...

good for you suz. socks off again. bravo.

10:20 PM  

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