Thursday, January 05, 2006

yessss! front row...

as some of you know and some of you dont, i have been promoted at work. no longer do i slave away behind the check-out counter. the girl who trained me left in late december (her baby is due in january), and the 'office manager' is leaving in about 3 weeks to help manage the hotel that one of the doctors just opened (yes, not only is he a doctor, he has a hotel and a construction company on top of that). so i've managed to jump the ladder very my delight and immediate dismay.
i was getting to really love check out. i felt extremely important and usefull in that capacity- if i wasnt there, things just didnt really go right. i was good at it, i was knowledgable, and above all i was comfortable there. now i'm back at square one, learning a whole new set of ropes and feeling a little less than comfortable and confidant. most of the things that i'm doing now are more office management things rather than medical-oriented things. i post insurance payments into the system, request medical records from other doctors, open mail, send out billing statements, and a myriad of other things that i have yet to be trained on. the hard part about it is that the girl who' s leaving is having a hard time training me on things because she really does any leftover things that come up in the office- and as of yet not much has come up. i'm afraid that most of my training will come on my own, after she's gone...and that worries me because i hate to screw up and i hate not having a very clear job description.
but, i have a feeling that i'll do ok. the nurses are pretty sympathetic to my case and have been very helpful as i've been trying to learn. hopefully i'll get to the point where i can do more directing around the office as opposed to taking direction.


Blogger Matthew said...

Transitions like that can be tricky, but I'm sure you'll be doing just fine after a few days. It's good that the rest of the staff are sympathetic to your situation.

7:01 AM  

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