Saturday, September 17, 2005

the week from hell

normally, my week goes fairly well, work isnt too much of a hassle, and life goes on as it should.

this was not one of those weeks.

the girl who runs the front desk at work was not in for the majority of the week. she had some kind of family crisis to attend to, and left work early on monday. we heard from her once during the week, but have been given little hint to her whereabouts or what her situation is. so tuesday came, and i was the only receptionist in (in a flash of intelligence, the 3rd receptionist had been cut down to 3 days a week...this coincided directly with the 1st girl's absence). also, one of the nurses had to leave early that day, so the burden of check in and check out fell pretty on me- as well as answering the phone, which rings every 5 minutes, taking messages and pulling charts for them, distributing the faxes as they come in, pulling the charts for the next day's patients, printing the schedule and superbills for the next day, calling the next day's patients to remind them of their appointment.......the list goes on and on. and since i've only done check in once before, i screwed up a lot. that day it seemed like i heard 'suzanne, you did this wrong' at least 20 times...

it was awful.

wednesday wasnt that bad. the 3rd receptionist was there, but the 1st was not again. so 3rd did check in and i tried to do check out and make up for all the stuff i had left over from tuesday.

thursday was much like tuesday. i was pissed. and i had to stay the whole day, which i hate.

i have determined that i really like my job so long as i just have to do my job. if i have to do anyone elses job along with it, this is the worst job ever.


Blogger Matthew said...

Sounds like a lot of work. Are they going to let the first girl come back? Disappearing for a week is a bit much...

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. Like with me, it's my job to spend Matthew's money and lie around looking fantastic. But when I have to do my job and someone elses (whoever is supposed to feed, clothe, and play with the kids has really be slacking off lately, and that person in charge of cooking, cleaning, etc. is also a real free-loader, not to mention that bookworm who ought to be cranking out a thesis) it just stresses me out.


Hope things are better this week.

3:42 AM  

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