Sunday, June 04, 2006

bikes are fun.

friday night there was something called 'garage art' going on around columbia, where different houses were hosting different artists' work (we never found a house that actually had the art in the garage....only basements and backyards), and there was a party going on at each of the houses. since all the houses were pretty close to where we live, we all decided to bike there. at this point i should explain that lately parley has gone bike-crazy, and has been pulling them out of dumpsters and fixing them up. there were 5 of us, and he had 5 bikes that were rideable. i hadnt riden a bike in years...not really since i was a kid. and it was increadibly fun- zooming down hills, racing other people, zipping around corners. the next day, columbia's annual 'art in the park' event was going on at stephens park (a bunch of local artists and craftsmen put up booths at the park and sell their wares. there's also live music and food). parley, two friends of ours, and i biked there (it was probably about a mile away, close to where i work) since we knew parking would be scarce. there were a lot of cool booths, activities for kids, and really good funnel cakes. i was surprised at how tiring the bike ride was, especially on inclines that didnt look very steep at all. then again, i was on a crappy one-gear bike that came from a dumpster...

it all reminded me of how much we used to ride bikes as a kid. i remember one summer when we decided to clean our bikes and make them really shiney. we took pictures of the clean bikes afterwards and then rode them around and got them dirty. my bike was blue with a sparkley bananna seat... or it was yellow with a basket... maybe they were both mine at some point. lots of hand-me-down bikes in our family...


Blogger Vatti said...

Glad you are re-discovering this ancient mode of transport, especially in light of $3 per gallon gas. Where else can you get good excercise, exhilleration, and save money at the same time?

By the way, what happened to the old black bicycle we brought you a couple years ago?

7:09 PM  
Blogger suz said...

parley has taken an interest in fixing it up. the front tire was still flat, but he had to cut the tire off because it was too old and hard to pry off. so now we're in the process of finding a new tire so the bike is rideable.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Matthew said...

I really wish we could ride bikes out here. Sadly, the traffic makes it too dangerous.

11:51 PM  
Blogger Mary Ann said...

Do you have a picture of us with spiffed-up bikes? I have no memory of this--was I there?

4:37 AM  
Blogger Kate said...

How fun! A Garage Art show - I love it! Law. has an art show in the park, but it's a Sunday afternoon... church schedules make that hard to attend.

Bike update - last Tuesday Rebecca decided to give her bike, without it's training wheels, a try... GR took off the training wheels over a month ago, and she hasn't gotten back on it since. A few minutes later she came racing in and screamed at the top of her lungs, "I DID IT! I rode my bike without training wheels!" I nearly cried she was so proud of herself and that accomplishment. We both did a little victory dance and she's been riding ever since.

I too would love to see a picture of the spiffed-up bikes.

9:47 AM  
Blogger suz said...

i remember we have a few pictures of me, barb, and possibly sam cleaning the bikes, and then a picture of them all lined up next to each other...they're in one of our photo albums out there...maybe the big brown one with the old pictures.

6:08 PM  
Blogger Vatti said...

We'll have to be on the lookout for those pictures...

11:13 PM  

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